Recent Posts

Getting more out of unit testing in Silverlight

3 minute read

As I already mentioned in my previous post, we're building a line-of-business app using Silverlight 4 and WCF Data Services. I really think Silverlight is great for those kind of systems, but since it is based on a different run-time as the full .NET framework, you may wonder what you'll run into...

September 24, 2010

Silverlight Cookbook: WCF Data Services and NHibernate

4 minute read

<p $1=”$1”></p> <p $1=”$1”></p> <p $1=”$1”></p> <p $1=”$1”></p> <p $1=”$1”></p> <p>This post is part of a series of blog posts detailing various aspects of the Silverlight Cookbook, an initiative to demonstrate prope...

September 20, 2010

Commercial support for the C# 3.0/4.0 Coding Guidelines

1 minute read

A few weeks ago I had a chat with Paul Jansen, CEO of a small Eindhoven-based company named Tiobe. You might indirectly know Tiobe for its programming language index and their commercial code checker ClockSharp. But they have also been hosting a C# Coding Standard I co-wrote for Philips Medical S...

September 13, 2010

The AI of ReSharper

less than 1 minute read

I was just typing this… …when ReSharper 5 suggested its “Loop can be converted into LINQ-expression”: <p>You gotta love this!</p>

September 2, 2010

Fluent Assertions 1.2.3 released

less than 1 minute read

After a week of testing in some of our projects, it is time to remove the beta marker from release 1.2.3 of our fluent assertion framework, Fluent Assertions. It’s just a small release, as was the previous one, but it still adds some nice additions requested by the community. This is the official...

August 27, 2010

ALM Practices Part 11: Modeling the business domain using Domain Models

3 minute read

What is it? A domain model is typically depicted by a UML class diagram in which the classes and associations represent the business concepts and the relationships between them. Although you can use a piece of paper to draw up a domain model, in most cases a UML case tool is better suited for t...

August 25, 2010