Noticeable quotes from QCon New York

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Just to be clear, I didn’t actually attend QCon New York this year. But after the experience of attending QCon San Francisco in 2010, I never forget the many great quotes you’ll find on Twitter. This time was no different.
As you can expect from somebody like Michael Feathers, he made some great quotes in his talk on Patterns of Software Change.
  • Architecture - the part of the system that you can not replace without having a different system
  • "Over-engineering = weighting a possible future too highly in design."
  • “Code Turbulance”, a name for frequently changed code
  • Anytime you manage by the numbers, instead of actually (God forbid) looking at the code a way will be found to game the numbers”, in a discussion on the uselessness of using only code metrics for judging the quality of your code base.
Looking forward to QCon San Francisco in November…

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